Transaction Status API
Retrieve the status of a transaction. This endpoint allows you to check the current status of a payout transaction by providing the transaction ID. The server will return the status details of the specified transaction.
GET /api/check_payout_status
Example: your_base_url/api/check_payout_status?TransactionID=17807353434500001332433
[ 'Token: gPISBVF2qCfXS3HZQxs7e4WD0MQPGH7Affffdfddffd3443', 'MID: oVsspt00008256454dffdffdrr', 'Content-Type: application/json' ]
Request Query Parameters
'TransactionID': '400000087779'
Response Body
Transaction Exist :
{ "error": false, "status_code": 200, "status": "Success", "account": "736102010001838", "ifsc": "UBIN0573612", "Amount": "101.00", "Bankriff": "414817043380", "Ack_no": "800507703214906", "TransactionID": "1780735500001332" }
Transaction Not Exist :
{ "error": true, "status_code": 404, "status": "NOT FOUND", "message": "Transaction not found, Please Contact the Administrator.", "TransactionID": "40000008777922" }
MID/Token Mismatched/Not Exist :
{ "error": true, "status_code": 401, "status": "UNAUTHORIZED", "message": "Authentication credentials are missing or invalid. Please provide valid credentials to access the resource." }
Invalid MID :
{ "error": true, "status_code": 400, "status": "FAILED", "message": "Please Input Valid MID" }
Transaction Status Error Code
Status Code | Status | Response Messages |
200 | Success | Transaction Found Successful. |
422 | VALIDATION ERROR | Validation Error. |
400 | BAD REQUEST | Invalid MID. |
401 | UNAUTHORIZED | MID/Token Mismatched |
404 | NOT FOUND | Record Not Found |